We are confident you will find these courses to be of exceptionally high quality. Our Anger Management Courses, Assessments, and Groups are all in a Classroom Environment from the comfort of your home. Courses can also be taken on Any Device that has access to the Internet: Smart Phones - Laptops - Tablets - Desktops
We are confident you will find these courses to be of exceptionally high quality. Our Anger Management Courses, Assessments, and Groups are all in a Classroom Environment from the comfort of your home. Courses can also be taken on Any Device that has access to the Internet: Smart Phones - Laptops - Tablets - Desktops
We are confident you will find these courses to be of exceptionally high quality. Our Anger Management Courses, Assessments, and Groups are all in a Classroom Environment from the comfort of your home. Courses can also be taken on Any Device that has access to the Internet: Smart Phones - Laptops - Tablets - Desktops
These are usually court ordered or you can ask to be assessed yourself. An assessment provides an opportunity to speak one-on-one with a licensed specialist who will evaluate the nature of any problems a client is having. The assessment gets the client involved through discussion of biological, psychological, and social factors affecting the subject discussed. The counselor can then make recommendations for further treatment, if necessary and appropriate. Purpose of this tool is to help assess safety, risk, strenghts and needs. Our Counselors have proven to be the best nationwide at determining the level of treatment you may or may not need.
Professionally Licensed, Nationally & State Certified, Distinguishably Awarded and Diversely Experienced Therapists and Anger Management Course Facilitators.
See Full ListOur WebCasted Facilitations System has been at the forefront of At-Home Therapy & Intervention Providers since 2007. A network of facilitators & therapist that have more experience then all others combined and multiplied. Because of this, we can offer live webcasted sessions with a certified therapist at a fraction of the cost of other dedicated counseling sites. Much better results too.
Today we have the Technology to provide Services like never before. What is even more amazing is that we also live at a time in history when wonderful discoveries have been made about the Mind and how we create our sense of Reality. The Results we are Achieving prove this.
We are A trusted, reputable, certified & highly accredited company registered with the courthouses since 2007 offering online classes nationwide to the public for self-improvement, courts, probation departments and human resource departments.
Our certified, licensed & experienced facilitators and counselors can provide support for a wide range of issues. Our facilitators have specific expertise in areas such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, trauma, and family or couples counseling... just naming a few.
Designed for modern individuals who need to take court ordered courses for court ordered requirements, at the request of their employer, or for personal reasons. Providing over 2 Dozen Programs and Assessments. Although our classes are done on-line we are not categorized as an on-line program provider. We are registered as an "In-Person" "At-Home" Court Program Provider and guarantee court acceptance or your money back.
*It is your responsibility to confirm with the judge, probation, or your attorney as to whether a In-Person distance-learning or "At-Home" court ordered program will meet your requirements. Each city and county listed above may be approved by the courts for at least one of our classes, or is pending approval for one of our offered courses. Please read your orientation upon enrollment to guide you through the process.
Those Judges that are familiar with us know how our classes work and the participation level required to complete them, that is why we are able to provide our programs in 99% of the cities on those lists below. That is the same reason that the judges, officers or social workers that have reviewed us do not consider our programs as on-line classes but as classroom classes. Each participant will be assigned an individual case manager, and, upon completion of our program, will receive a "Certificate of Completion" again without any additional fees.
"Certificate of Completion" satisfies court order with the judge, & all family courts. Parenting, High-Conflict & Co-Parenting Classes.
Working with Juvenile Courts across the nation, these classes allow children between the ages of 13-18 to learn tools to better themselves.
This "in-person" Domestic Violence Treatment Program done Online & follows the approved Duluth Model standards.
Our Anger Management Courses, Assessments, and Groups are all in a Classroom Environment from the comfort of your home.
This course is ideal for court requirements, probation & parol, HR, pre-trial, diversion, families, couples & individuals.
Court Ordered Classes has been designed for individuals who need to take court ordered courses for court ordered requirements.
Officers, Social Workers, Pretrial Reps, Judges & Court Officials may obtain an "Officer" Account to monitor progress on registrants.
This course has taught me important skills that I did not know before taking this course that have helped me to control my anger. Instructors are Great.
The instructors were very respectful & helpful. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who has had an issue with domestic violence in the past.
The live therapy sessions were awesome, there wasn't one I walked away from and didn't feel relief. The counselors are modern , they get it, & there's zero judgment. . . seriously!
This website helped find myself and pick up a few advices to help me with my personal struggles. SUPER recommended. It was very thorough and interactive!
Really gets you thinking about your personal flaws and it gives you ideas for self-betterment. The Free Live Groups done Online were Wonderful & I Loved the Facilitators too.
The research & historical elements of the literature in the course were eye-opening & extremely beneficial in learning & understanding the core concepts of contributing behaviors.
This was a great program I was able to do online I learned a lot about myself things I didn’t know and how to cope with bad things in life... I would highly recommend them.
These classes really help you understand real issues and how you effect others around you. Very informative on how to step back and analyze before you react.
Professional, licensed, and vetted therapists facilitating courses & Live Group Therapy.
Supervisory Accounts available to monitor progress from enrollment to completion.
Daily Live WebCasted groups of support led by a licensed emotional support professionals.
Professionally Licensed
Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - Wahington DC - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming